Showing posts with label Google Profile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Profile. Show all posts


Darryl Learie - Social Media Statistics and Records

 Darryl Learie (Social Media Statistics)

***Note: Any person or company soliciting their services in the comments, will have their comments promptly deleted. It is rude and not the point of this blog!


YouTube Channel Darryl Learie

(Quick Statistics 2010 08 10 to 2020 01 22)

Total Views : 1,705,917 views
Subscribers : 728 subscribers
Uploaded Videos : 1,917 videos

(YouTube Analytics 2010 08 10 to 2019 05 30)

Likes : 3,987 (68.94 %) Dislikes : 1,796 (31.05 %)
Comments : 2,639 Shares : 1,781
Minutes Viewed by Public: 2,847,000 minutes (5 years, 152 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes)
Average View Duration by Public: 1:45 minutes

(YouTube Records)

Most Subscribers (2020 01 19) : 728 subscribers

Most Viewed Video : 334,238 views
World Records - Most 46,001 push-ups in 24 hours Charles Servizio

Longest Video : 11:59:58 hours
The Longest 3D (HD) Video on YouTube - 11:59:58 hours - Darryl Learie

Shortest Video : 0.366 seconds
Shortest HD Video on YouTube ? (0.366 seconds)

Fastest 1,000,000 views towards a YouTube Channel (2010.08.10 to 2014.08.01) : 1,452 days

Most YouTube Channel Views in 1 Year (2012.09.26 to 2013.09.25) : 541.926 views

Most YouTube Channel Views in 24 Hours (2013.08.30) : 50,422 views

Most Videos Uploaded to YouTube in 1 Year (2018.02.11 to 2019.01.16) : 1,234 videos

Most Videos Uploaded to YouTube in 1 Month (2018.04.02 to 2018.04.22) : 631 videos

Most Videos Uploaded to YouTube in 1 Week (2018.04.16 to 2018.04.22) : 339 videos

Most Videos Uploaded to YouTube in 24 hrs (2018.04.16) : 96 videos

Most Views for a YouTube Video in 24 Hours (2013.07.07) : 18,787 views

Most Views for a YouTube Video in 1 Week (2013.07.07 to 2013.07.13) : 24,310 views

Most Likes on a YouTube Video (2010.08.15 to 2020.01.22) : 732 Likes (732 Likes vs 66 Dislikes)

Most Comments on a YouTube Video (2010.08.15 to 2020.01.22) : 334 Comments

Google Profile (ended 2017 01 23)

Google Profile Darryl Learie

(2010 08 10 to 2017 01 23)

Views: 4,008,989 views
Followers: 32 followers

New Google Profile 

Google Profile Darryl Learie

(2016 12 24 - 2017 10 17)

Followers : 32
Post Views : 6,980
Post Comments : 31
Post Likes +1 : 48
Shared Posts : 72
Posts : 72

Google Maps (Street View)

Google Maps Profile Darryl Learie

(2016 05 28 to 2019 05 50)

Photos : 4,484 photos (3,740 360-photos, 744 2D-photos)
Photos, Total Views : 30,804,924 views
Reviews : 86 reviews

Status : Google Trusted
Level : 8
Points : 24,254

(Google Maps Records)

Most Viewed Photo (2016 08 06 to 2020 01 22) : 729,891 views

Most Viewed 2D Photo (2019 06 23 to 2020 01 22) : 174,991 Views


Instagram Profile darryllearie

(Instagram analytics began 2016 09 04)

Current Followers (2020 01 19) : 610 followers

Photos (since 2016 09 04 to 2019 05 26) : 2,627 photos
(650 3D-photos, 379 360-photos, 37 fx-photos, 15 3D 360-photos)

Likes (since 2016 09 04 to 2020 01 13) : 38,030 likes 
Views (since 2016 09 04 to 2020 01 13) : 64,308 views
Reach (since 2016 09 04 to 2020 01 13) : 13,936 views reached new accounts
Comments (2016 09 04 to 2020 01 13) : 878 Comments

Percentage of Likes in Ratio to Views (2019 05 26) : 38,030 Likes / 64,308 Views = 59.13 %
Average Likes / Photo (2020 01 13) : 14.47 likes
Average Views / Photo (2020 01 13) : 24.47 views

(Instagram Records)

Most Followers (2017 08 13) : 740 followers
Most Viewed Photo (2017 03 05) : 871 views
Most Liked Photo (2017 06 11) : 83 likes
Highest Approval Rating Photo (2019 05 26) : 29 likes/30 views - 96.6%
Most Commented Photo (2017 07 24) : 7 Comments
Most likes on Instagram in 24 hours (2019 05 27) :  1,669 Likes
Most comments on Instagram in 24 hours (2017 06 07) : 36 Comments

(Before Instagram analytics)

Photos (since 2016 03 17 to 2020 01 13) : 2,800 photos

Average 2 photos uploaded daily


Twitter Profile @DarrylLearie

(Twitter analytics began 2014 08 23)

Current Followers (2020 01 22) : 187 followers
Views (2014 08 23 to 2019 12 31) : 238,708 views
Engagements (2014 08 23 to 2019 12 31) : 2,214 engagements
Likes (2014 08 23 to 2019 12 31) : 573 likes
Replies (2014 08 23 to 2019 12 31) : 183 replies
Retweets (2014 08 23 to 2019 12 31) : 132 retweets
Tweets (2014 08 23 to 2019 12 31) : 4,135 tweets

57.72 views / tweet
1 like / 7.21 tweets
1 reply / 22.59 tweets
1 retweet / 31.32 tweets
1.32 tweets / day

(Before Twitter analytics)

Tweets (2011 06 16 3:34 pm to 2019 12 31) : 4,135 tweets

(Twitter Records)

Most Twitter Followers (2018 02 06) : 201 followers
Tweet Posted on 2019 04 12 12:41 : 28 retweets
Tweet Posted on 2019 04 12 12:41 : 11 replies
Tweet Posted on 2019 04 12 12:41 : 347 engagements
Tweet Posted on 2019 04 12 12:41 : 8,381 views
Tweet Posted on 2019 04 12 12:41 : 90 likes
Tweet Reply Posted 2019 01 12 12:55 : 10,478 views
Most Impressions in 1 Month : 2019 February - 29,500 views


Facebook Profile Darryl Learie

Current Friends (2020 01 22) : 396 friends
Current Followers (2020 01 22) : 32 followers
Joined Facebook : 2010 02 22 9:42pm

(Facebook Analytics (my own) - 2015 12 31 to 2016 11 21)

Facebook Posts Responded To : 434 / 609 (71.26 %)
Facebook Likes VS Posts : 1,294 likes / 609 posts (2.12 likes per post)

(Wolfram Alpha Report 2016 11 20 10:50:27pm)

Analyzed Posts : 650
Total Likes : 1,156 (1.78 likes per post)
Total Comments : 333 (0.51 comments per post)
Average Post Length : 28.8 words (193.8 characters)

(Facebook Records)

Most Facebook Friends (2020 01 22) : 396 friends
Followed by the Most people on Facebook (2019 12 31) : 32 People
Longest Facebook Post : 2,481 words (13,872 characters) - 2016 10 13 12:38pm
Most Liked Facebook Post * : 26 likes - 2017 07 24 2:31pm
Most Commented on Facebook Post ** :  23 comments - 2016 07 29 9:13pm
Most Liked Link (my own) Shared on a Facebook Post : 18 likes - 2016 07 10 4:52pm
Most friends Tagged in a Facebook Post : 52 friends - 2016 07 10 4:52pm
Most Liked Written Post : 22 likes - 2018 09 05 10:56am
Most Commented Written Post : 19 comments - 2014 05 09 8:11am
Most Liked Picture Shared on a Facebook Post * : 26 likes - 2017 07 24 2:31pm
Most Commented Picture Shared on a Facebook Post ** : 23 comments - 2016 07 29 9:13pm
Most Viewers During A Facebook Live Video : 112 viewers (117 views) - 2016 05 09 4:20pm
Most Comments During A Facebook Live Video : 32 comments - 2016 11 04 2:54pm
Most Viewed Uploaded Facebook Video : 116 views - 2017 02 09 3:32pm 
Largest Facebook Page Created : 643 Likes (639 Follows) ""I made it into the Ripley's Believe It or Not Book" - 2019 06 03
Most Shares of a Facebook Post : 2 Shares - 2017.09.05 7:33pm
Most "Happy Birthday" Posts Received : 40 Posts - 2019 12 06
Most Popular Facebook Post in a Facebook Page or Group :  - 250 Likes
(172 Likes, 48 laughs, 21 Loves, 4 Angrys, 3 Surprised, 2 Sads) - 51 Replies - 2019 04 13 9:56am 


(Periscope Records)

Most Followers : 745 Followers - 2016 04 06
Most Live Viewers During (in and out) of a Single Broadcast : 546 Live Viewers - 2015 08
Most Live Viewers at the same time during a Single Broadcast :  83 Live Viewers - 2015 08
Most Hearts given in a single Broadcast : 4,052 Hearts - 2015 06 21
Most Hearts given by a Single Person  : 2,720 Hearts - Jessica Targett - 2015 05 21
Longest Periscope Broadcast : 2:50:27 hours - 2015 09 08
Most Replays of a Broadcast : 3,410 Replays - 2018 01 07 to 2019 05 30 (2,450 Replays - 1 Year)

(Current Statistics)

259,120 Hearts
302 Broadcasts

Blogger / Website

Blogger Profile Darryl Learie (

(Blogger Analytics)

Page Views (All Posts 2014 10 11 - 2020 01 22) : 51,937 views
Total Posts (2014 10 11 - 2017 08 25) : 26 Posts

(Blogger Records)

Most Viewed Post (2016 02 22 to 2020 01 22) : 843 Page Views - Longest 3D Video on YouTube
Most Page Views in 1 Month : 2,247 Page Views (2019, December)
Longest Blog Post (2014.11.29) : 11,202 words (70,884 characters, 65 pages)
Most Pictures in a Blog Post (2016.02.06) : 147 Pictures