Showing posts with label Koivisto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Koivisto. Show all posts


The Ancestry / Genealogy of Darryl Wayne Wellington Learie

note: This is a first revision, a second revision will eventually follow to verify details. At the bottom of page are files you are free to view and download given that we are potentially related.

The Ancestry / Genealogy of Darryl Wayne Wellington Learie

  I was born Darryl Wayne Wellington Learie back in 1973, December 6th (4:45 pm pacific time) at Kelowna General Hospital (room 309B) in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. My mother's maiden name is Irenee Marjatta Elizabeth Vastamaa (born 1954, January 29th,St.Joseph Hospital,Lachine(Montreal),Quebec,Canada) and my father's name is Wayne Wellington Learie (born 1949, April 17th,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada).

  On my father's side my grandfather's name is Joesph Learie, and my grandmother's name is Fanny Learie (married name). On my mother's side my grandfather's name is Jalmari Vastamaa (born 1922, September 23rd,Kuorevesi,Finland), and my grandmother's maiden name is Tuovi Eliisa Koivisto (born 1925, December 25th,Orivesi,Finland).

  On my father's side I have a half sister (share same father), Jacqueline Perron (born 1970,January 3rd), and a half brother (share same father), Wayne Wellington Learie (junior) (born 1994,October 12th). My half sister Jacqueline has a daughter, Taiha Perron (born 1988,January 12th). And apparently my father had a sister, Barbera Learie (1941-1991,deceased).

  My mother has 3 sisters by maiden name they are: Kaija Vastamaa (born 1946,July 22nd,Finland), Irmeli Aino Ritva Vastamaa (born 1948,November 21st,Finland), and Brigette Vastamaa (born 1959, May 1st). My aunt Kaija has a son, Stephane Romain Lefebvre (born 1965, March 28th). My Aunt Irmeli has a daughter, Carrie Elisa Anita Armistead . And my aunt Brigette has a daughter, Melanie Mitchell (born 1993, August 22nd).

  I have a daughter, Raven Ashely Lapatak (born 1997, August 21st (10:58pm), Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Her mother is Maxine May Lapatak (born
1978, June 21st, Vilna, Alberta, Canada).

  My grandmother's (Tuovi Eliisa Koivisto, on my mothers side) father's name is Juho Kustaa Koivisto (born 1881, January 25th, died 1953, June 29th,Kangasala, Finland). My grandmother's mother's maiden name is Helmi Matilda Yliniemi (born 1888, April 21st, died 1958 February 7th,Orivesi,Finland).

  Helmi's father's name is Kustaa August Yliniemi (born 1860, May 7th,died 1932, Finland). Helmi's mother's name is Heta Stiina Juhontytar Yliniemi (born 1851, June 23rd, died 1929, February 25th, Finland).

  Juho's Father's name is Kaarle August Koivisto (born 1858, April 26th, died 1940, December 27th, Finland). Juho's mother's name is Amanda Koivisto (born 1863, December 21st, died 1935, January 1St).

  My grandmother's (on my mothers side) has 1 brother, and 2 sisters, they are by maiden name: Eino Kalevi Koivisto (born 1922, May 5th, died 1986, August 17th, Juupajoki, Finland), Ella Helena Koivisto (born 1924, September 27th, Juupajoki, Finland), and Aini Elsi Kyllikki (born 1928, December 18th, Orivesi, Finland).

  My grandfather's (Jalmari Vastamaa, on my mothers side) father's name is Immaanuel Vastamaa (born 1886, June 27th, Ruovesi, Finland). My grandfather's mother's name is Elda Maria Valkama (maiden name) (born 1891, June 24th, Ruovesi, Finland).

  My grandfather had 2 sisters and a brother, they are by maiden name: Fanny Johanna Vastamaa (born 1911, April 1st, Ruovesi, Finland), Aarne Nikolai Vastamaa (born 1912, November 16th, Ruovesi, Finland), and Ida Maria Vastamaa (born 1914, September 25th, died 1916, March 25th).

  Immaanuel Vastamaa's father's name is Matti Vastamaa (junior) (born 1853, Finland). Immaanuel's mother's name is Ida Maria Vastamaa (born 1863, Finland). Immaanuel had 13 brothers and sisters.

  Matti's (junior) father's name is Matti Vastamaa (senior) (born 1817, Finland) and his mother's name is Henrika Vastamaa (born 1826, Finland). Matti Vastamaa (senior) father's name is Kaapo Vastamaa (born 1777, July 22nd), and his mother's name is  Anna Vastamaa (born 1787, Finland).
"Darryl Learie"

1974 - (from left to right) My mother, Irenee Vastamaa, Me, Darryl Learie, and my father, Wayne Learie

Darryl Learie

1983 - (from left to right, back standing) my mother, Irenee Vastamaa, and her sisters Irmeli Vastamaa, Brigette Vastamaa, and kaija Vastamaa
(from left to right, second row) Me, Darryl Learie, My grandfather, Jalmari Vastamaa, My cousin, Carrie Armistead, and my grandmother, Tuovi Vastamaa
(front) my cousin, Stephane Romain Lefebvre

Darryl Learie

1992 - (from left to right, back) my mother, Irenee Vastamaa, me, Darryl Learie
(from left to right, front) my grandfather, Jalmari Vastamaa, my grandmother, Tuovi Vastamaa.

Darryl Learie

2003 - (from left to right) my father, Wayne Wellington Learie, my daughter, Raven Ashely Lapatak, and me, Darryl Learie

Immaanuel Vastamaa

1953 - Immaanuel Vastamaa

Helmi Matilda Koivisto (Yliniemi)

1926 - Helmi Matilda Yliniemi (Koivisto by marriage)

  Without a doubt family history gets very complex. Through submitting my DNA through 23andme I found out my paternal and maternal haplogroup, and that I have 881 relatives who share part of my DNA. Haplogroups are genetic mutations that occur on the sex chromosomes (mutations occur every few hundreds to thousand years), thus those who share my inherited haplogroup share the same distant ancestor. My paternal haplogroup inherited from my father (along the Y chromosome), Wayne Wellington Learie is R1a1a. My maternal haplogroup inherited from my mother (along the X chromosome) is J2a1a.

                                   YouTube video of my DNA relatives found through 23andme

Genealogy / DNA Files

My mother's father's family tree - Jalmari Vastamaa - 1991 (Official) / Tuovi Koivisto (small part)

My mother's mother's family tree - Tuovi Koivisto - 2013 (Official)

Darryl Learie / Raven Lapatak Family Tree - 2014 04 24 (".ged" file - download only)

Darryl Learie DNA Partial Genome - 2015 09 28 (source: 23andme)

Relative Finder - 881 Relatives found through DNA - 2016 03 07 (source: 23andme)

Ancestry Finder - 2015 11 09 (source: 23andme)